Writer's block. The bane of my existence.
As humans we can all relate to the frustration that is felt when we can't tap into what we perceive as our creative side. Whether we are musicians, artists, or bankers, we all have our own unique ways of injecting creativity into everything we do - which is why we can all relate to that feeling of being stuck.
So what can we do when we hit that road block on the way to creativity?
Well, after many times of experiencing an inability to think creatively, I have developed some strategies that I incorporate into my life to keep me (mostly) winning the battle against creativity blocks. Go ahead and give them a try, hopefully some of them can work for you!
1. Don't forget to play!
Kids are the pros when it comes to thinking creatively. It's amazing to see some of the things they can think up. An empty laundry hamper can easily become a race car, or a big pile of snow is quickly turned into a castle in which they rule the world from. The point is, play is synonymous with creativity and unfortunately adults don't afford themselves as many opportunities to do so.
Now, I'm not saying you have to finish the laundry so you can hop into your "Ferrari" - (unless of course you want to) but, engaging in some form of playful activity can open up your mind to think differently and, more importantly, creatively.
For me, participating in board games or card games is effective in kickstarting my creative brain. These games often require strategy, problem-solving, and imagination in achieving your goal of winning the game and can translate into changing up the way we approach problems in our work.
2. Break out of your routine
Stop me if you've heard this daily routine before.
Wake up. Eat breakfast. Go to the gym. Go to work. Eat lunch. Work some more. Come home. Make dinner. Watch TV. Go to bed. Repeat.
Pretty stale isn't it? If the answer is yes, imagine what our brains are doing while they're in that same cycle. Predictable routine can put our brains into autopilot, which can make tapping into our creative sources extremely difficult.
Finding ways to do something that is different than what we are used to is a great way to get the creative juices flowing. For instance, as of late, I've been doing meditation. As a beginner, I'm terrible at it, and I often find my mind trailing off into an array of directions. The positive side is that it is something new to me and it has been successful in putting me into a different mindset and has actually led me to think of some new solutions while doing so. What's next on my to-try list? Piano lessons.
3. Keep a book to stockpile ideas
I imagine you have all experienced that split second moment where you think of a really creative idea and then feel it fizzle out just as quickly. Throughout the course of the day we are capable of thinking of thousands of ideas only to have go nowhere. Usually these ideas are raw and are in need of some further exploration or deeper thought.
That's why I keep a journal of sorts for that very reason. This book is full of conceptual ideas that could develop into a variety of different outcomes. Some could be blog posts, or short stories, or hey maybe even one day, a book! Being able to flip through these ideas is an excellent resource for creativity and typically helps me tap into the creative mindset I need. Reading one simple idea is usually quite helpful in expanding that thought and finding more creative breakthroughs.
4. Change up your medium
Just because I am a writer doesn't mean the only way I can express ideas is through writing. For my creative process, this is where sketching comes in handy. I often have ideas but have difficulty with expressing them or expanding on them in a meaningful way. When that happens, I often turn to sketching and other forms of art to assist in that. Seeing my idea come to life in a visual way changes the way I think about it and can help me see connections I didn't even know were there before.
Whatever your chosen method may be, breaking away from your typical approach to creative expression can often times help you get over the hump. It works for me - hopefully it will work for you!
5. Get out into nature!
Being immersed in nature seems to be the remedy for a lot of things and there's a reason for it. More time in nature is associated with decreased stress and anxiety and a whole other litany of ailments. Health benefits aside, it's also a great way to put us into creative overdrive.
As cheesy as it may sound, nature is the best example of creativity. With all the sights, sounds, and awe-inspiring things you would be hard-pressed not to feel some form of creative spark once you are out there.
A personal favourite of mine and a constant source of creative inspiration is hiking the Bruce Trail near Tobermory, Ontario. If you've never been, you need to check it out. There are hours worth of bendy trees, rock caves, colourful creatures, and an abundance of fresh air to kickstart your creativity!
So whether you're near a forest, river, mountain, or even a public trail get yourself out into it! You'll be amazed at the creative solutions you can come up with while you're out and about. Oh yeah, and don't forget to leave all your electronic distractions at home while you do so!
If you've got some other strategies, share them in the comment section below so we can all have greater access to our creative minds!